Friday, September 30, 2005

Some old drawing that was already scanned

Just like the title says. I didn't draw anything today. And I feel too lazy to scan some recent drawings. So here is something I did 2 years ago. And it was scanned back then. Why? Maybe for T-shirt? But I was too lazy to go beyond this point. Brush pen on some textured paper. Moral of the day: Laziness will get you nowhere.

I want to, but I don't know how.

If I'm not going to write something funny or witty, I know I need to post some drawings. But I don't know how. I know there is a HELP page. But I'm too lazy to even bother reading it. Yes, someone spoon feed me. Till then, this shit goes on. Sorry, nothing to see here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

No drawings yet!

Since I like to read and check out other peoples' personal or fictional lives, I thought I should share my bullshits as well.
My head is blank right now, so no thoughts here. I don't have any doodles to share. Have a nice evening.