Thursday, March 30, 2006

Freelance Comps

These are some comps I did in February for a movie poster. Pretty much a beginning stage to explore the poses, costumes, etc. of main and secondary characters. Once the client (movie studios) pick certain look, they go for photo shoot. Of course I don't do the shooting and designing the poster part. I just sketch what ever they want. I don't think I can share these sketches. But then again, I don't think they used these poses and there is no traffic on my blog anyways.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Some more random craps from my sketchbook.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Been busy, and lazy.

I've been busy taking care of my new born for last few months. And I don't think it's gonna get less busy. Maybe easier. I'm constantly tired and drained out. Have no time to draw for my own pleasure. I guess that's my excuse. I'm a lazy ass and having a kid definitely changed my life style. I no longer go to bed at 3AM and wake up 12. Nor play video games. Nor just lounge. But then again, I'm way better off than my wife. And when I see my baby's little smile, it's all worth it. Here are some doodles I've done time to time.